You’ve done the research, the legwork and maybe even some focus studies before your last campaign, and the results were actually strong enough to reach your goals. That’s great! But what made it different from the others that had less success? It can be hard to tell without the right tools or information.
What is cognitive computing?
According to IBM, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data is created daily – that’s a huge increase of data compared to just a few years ago. Studies show that 90% of the data in the world has been created in the last two years alone. It’s too much to process but it’s all important. That data contains your consumers opinions and preferences, which is as available as it is fast through just scrolling down a social media feed.
Cognitive computing synthesizes the data you need by using artificial intelligence and machine learning to simulate how the human mind operates. Basically, cognitive computing impacts advertising by helping you guide your campaign to align its message with its audience.
In 1998, bloomfield knoble was founded as an internet design and development company that quickly blossomed into a full-service advertising agency. We use creativity and cognitive computing to work with our company, including large U.S. organizations like NASA, Fannie Mae and Vizient.
Through observed trends and patterns of typical target customer thoughts, opinions, emotions and actions, campaign results become more accurate and, therefore, more valuable.
The cognitive way of thinking is quickly catching fire. In fact, according to a survey conducted during a 2017 IBM study:
- 73% of global CEOs feel that “cognitive computing will play an important role in the future of their organizations”
- 50% of global CEOs said “they plan to adopt cognitive computing by 2019”
- Executives who participated in the survey anticipate 15% return on investment from these endeavors
How will your business benefit from this?
This 3-part series is based on a presentation by our chief operating officer, Tom Thompson, on May 18, 2018, at the Plano Chamber of Commerce Chairman’s Council Breakfast.